5B4ALX - 5B0EME - H2X

Last Articles

Refinement of RX antennas

My main location, at 5B Cyprus, lies just outside the most densely populated area of the city, not far from the airport, near the sea, in a residential area with…
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LOTW untill November 2018 – UPLOADED

All QSOs for the logs 5B4ALX and H2X untill 1st November 2018 has been uploaded to LOTW Next upload in 6 months for the common log and daily for OQRS…
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MFJ-944BRT mods

In order to tune the spiderbeam mast on 160m during the E6ET DXpedition (and next ones) I bought a MFJ-944BRT to fix at the base of the mast tuning the…
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144 EME Tower

The summer is running out but the work is under way to be able to be active as soon as possible via EME in 144MHz. (more…)
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IARU HF Championship 2017 results

The official results of the IARU HF Championship 2017 have just been released. From the ARRL website it is possible to download the awards simply by entering the callsign !…
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New mast for old antenna !

The previous installation unfortunately did not last long: the 15 + 3m mast installed on the top of the house destined to the 30/60/80/160m bands collapsed due to gusts of…
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