…new 5 bands crossfeed yagi (2)

I’ve been standing for a few days due to work commitments but today I found some time to go ahead in building the antenna. 

I devoted precisely to the construction of the first box that contains the two inductances of the two frontal semi-elements, the vacuum relays of bands selecting and the switching relays’ filter and control circuits.

Using the full coil the antenna will work on 20m, with full coil shortcut the antenna will work on 10m…. Relay pairs can short-circuit part of the coil to get resonance in 12-15 and 17m.

This is the end result :

The center board assembles the 24.5V power supply for each relay pair by providing a line indication by means of high brightness LEDs of the selected bandwidth (only for checking the presence of the various switching signals as a result of a Possible problem).


… to be continue

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