20m Band Pass Filter

20m Band Pass Filter is now completed

the new 20m band pass filter I made for E6ET DXped 2019 and later is completed and tested.

data specifications :

  • SWR @ 14.150 kHz : 1.11
  • @ 21.200 kHz : -63dB
  • @ 7.100 kHz : -40dB

I chose to cut more on the 15m band because, from the planning of the operation from the South Pacific, I almost always have only 3 hours with station-1 in 20m and station-2 in 40m while I have 9 hours of activity with station-1 in 15m and the station-2 in 20m.
;oreover, using a 1/2 vertical with a L-C Match at the base in 20m I have a further strong off-band attenuation.